KVQA Suspends certification in cases when

  • ◓ Client’s management system persistently or seriously fails to meet certification requirements
  • ◓ If the Critical Non Conformity was issued due to a breach of ethical standards and leads to withdrawal of the SA 8000 certificate, the organization may re apply for certification after a period of 12 months from the point at which the client has adequately demonstrated full and effective correction and corrective actions that resolves all of the issues related to the Critical Non Conformity or there is any other unresolved issue
  • ◓ The client does not allow surveillance/ recertification within the window period
  • ◓ Does not pay the fees within the set period after reminder
  • ◓ A MAJOR non-conformity that has not been addressed or for which no significant actions have been taken

KVQA withdraws any certificates issued if certificates have been misused or client's bankruptcy. Withdrawal happens if suspension exceeds three months and the issue is unresolved. Exception may be granted on special condition where it appears that corrective actions may take additional time.

Improvement has not been made by the time of a follow up audit, in spite of the organization’s commitment to resolve the issue, SHALL lead to the organization being issued a warning and moved toward suspension.

Under suspension the certification is temporarily invalid.

KVQA restores the suspended certification if the issue that has resulted in the suspension has been resolved. Failure to resolve the issues that have resulted in the suspension in a time established results in withdrawal or reduction of the scope of certification.

KVQA Reduces scope to exclude the parts not meeting certification requirements when clients management system persistently or seriously fails to meet certification requirements Scope can be reduced to exclude the parts not meeting the requirements if client requests for the same. In case of misuse of certificates, procedure shall be:

The use of certificates is specified in the contract regarding certification and right of utilization of the KVQA symbol, which the clients are required to follow and is verified in surveillance audits. KVQA monitors the use of certificates issued by it within the scope of its supervisory audits and by means of "market observations" or regulatory breaches. In the case of "market observation"(passive supervision), KVQA reacts to complaints raised by third parties against certified enterprises. Where impermissible use or unauthorized amendment to certificates and/or misleading use of certificates for advertising purposes are detected by KVQA, head of certification. KVQA initiates suitable action which, depending on type and severity, may include: -Written notification to the certification holder, A formal warning

-Public disclosure of the misuse or Revocation of the certificate

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